Really, her tone said, some people have absolutely no consideration. 她的语气的确是在说有些人从不替他人考虑。
Later I understood that the reason why she has no consideration for my feelings was because she also strictly requests to herself. 后来我才明白,她之所以不讲情面,是由于她对人对己都严格要求,而绝不是出于恶意。
No consideration, no contract. 合同无对价不成立。
I hope, added Mrs. Gardiner, that no consideration with regard to this young man will influence her. 嘉丁纳太太又说:我希望她不要因为怕见到这位青年小伙子而拿不定主意。
He showed no consideration for his wife. 他从不体谅他的妻子。
Some defended Cat Dad: I think there is too much bullying going on in their household. It's completely disrespectful. There's no consideration whatsoever towards the man, one user commented. 一些人在评论中为猫爸辩护,一位用户说道:我觉得他们家太霸道了,毫无尊重可言。
Money is no consideration. 钱不是重要的因素。
Have you no consideration for my grandchild's future? 你就不为我孙女的终身大事想想吗?
This approach is fast and simple& no aging schedule is required and no consideration is given to the existing balance in the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts. 这种方法快速简单&不需要账龄分析表,也不用考虑坏账准备账户的现存余额。
So you are a motor bus; all bounce and go, and no consideration for anyone. 你就象辆公共汽车,只是横冲直撞,也不顾人家。
On no consideration can I consent. 任何情况下我都不答应。
On no consideration can they agree to this. 他们绝对不能同意这一点。
Their proposals are still under no consideration. 他们的建议仍然不在考虑范围之内。
There is no consideration given to the possibility that they identified as men or felt more comfortable dressed in traditionally male clothing. 这并没有考虑下面这种可能性:她们自称是男人,或穿上传统的男人服装便感到更舒服。
The fee schedule takes no consideration of other services that countries may provide, such as publication. 费用表没有将各国可能提供的其他服务考虑在内,例如对申请的公布。
They showed no consideration whatsoever for my feelings. 他们根本不体谅我的感情。
On no consideration must he be seen visiting the police station. 无论如何决不要让人看见他去警察派出所。
Yesterday is western Valentine's Day, a good many young lovers selects in this special day to dedicate haematoporphyrin with the no consideration this significative mode expression love. 昨天是西方情人节,很多年轻情侣选择在这个特殊的日子里用无偿献血这种有意义的方式表达爱意。
In setting the margin of safety, EPA had given no consideration to feasibility or cost. 在确定安全限度过程中,环境保护局从来就没有考虑可行性问题,也没有考虑花费代价问题。
You don't want to be the annoying neighbor who has no consideration for others in the neighborhood. 不要因为宗教、种族或其他小的事情而阻拦你的小孩和邻居的小孩玩。
They have no consideration for my needs and just keep banging on my door. 他们根本不考虑我的需求,只是不断敲我的门。
Li Yinhe also believes the law is unfairly discriminatory because it was drafted according to upper class values, with no consideration of the rest of society's need for pornography. 李音河还认为,这条法律是根据上层社会的价值观来制定的,因此它具有不公平的歧视性。
But during the fifth counter-campaign in kiangsi, our army gave no consideration whatsoever to retreat, because it did not take account of either the partial or the total situation, and this was really rash and foolhardy conduct. 江西第五次反“围剿”,我军全然不讲退却,原因在于对局部形势和整个形势都不注意,实在是一种鲁莽灭裂的干法。
Something, such as a film, that is designed to impress a certain political or social perspective on its audience, with little or no consideration given to accuracy. 如电影一类的东西,目的是给观众施加政治的或社会的影响,很少考虑或根本不考虑其准确性。
Traditionally, emergency materials were classified according to the priority of disaster with no consideration of material value, storage life, difficulty level of production, storage requirements. 传统的应急物资是按照救灾中的优先级进行分类的,没有考虑物品的价值、储存寿命、生产难易程度、仓储要求等因素。
It is found that the simulation results are good agreement with that of experiments, and more accurate compared with that of a single physical model and that of the Bethe formula with no consideration on the contribution of the secondary electron. 发现模拟结果与实验结果很好地吻合,这比采用单一的散射模型和不考虑二次电子的Bethe公式得到的模拟结果更加符合实际的电子散射过程,其精度更高。
Analysis indicates that this model fits in with the conclusions of Chinese phonology, and the comparative experiment results show that the performance of this model is improved obviously compared with that the transition probability is of no consideration. 分析表明,该模型更符合汉语音韵分析的结论。实验结果显示,该模型与不考虑声母音长的模型相比,声母和音节的识别率有明显改善。
There is no consideration of time misfit in traditional optimal interpolation. 传统的最优插值算法没有考虑观测数据的时间错位。
This is the credit risk that is no consideration by Black and Scholes in 1973. 这是Black和Scholes在1973年没有考虑的信用风险。
Because of this kind of intense desire may cause they have good pay cost, no consideration for the public interest and the government may sacrifice company values. 但是,正由于这种强烈的愿望可能导致他们没有很好的把握为此付出的成本,更没有考虑可能政府为了公众利益从而牺牲公司价值。